A Walk, Oil on Canvas, 91×73cm, 2023
Woolim Lee transforms his daily experience into psychological one with a dreamy, fantastic atmosphere. He has depicted a dreamlike space, where reality and sur-reality exist side-by-side, as well as a boundary between humans and nature.
His works cross the boundary between real and sur-real with fictional figures and animals in the actual backgrounds, such as woods, water, stairs, fields, etc.
He uses his iconic figures and objects in his works like a woman wearing a flower patterned one piece, a man looking outside of canvas with no facial expression, and animals eyeing toward another direction.
Each object, however, is not categorized in a coherent context but linked to each other fictitiously. This unique setting becomes a boundary that distinguishes reality from unreality in the work, and attracts viewers to his unique world, increasing their own imagination and interpretation.